Below are some of the most frequently asked questions pertaining to some of the above city agencies. We have compiled this list to provide you with a better understanding of what may be needed at any time of home ownership, sale or purchase. We strive to help our clients get the answers and solutions they need. If you need additional assistance please sign in and contact us with your questions.

  • How do I resolve DOB violations on my property? Even ones from before I owned the property?

    Removing violations can be extremely time consuming and costly if you do not know the proper resolutions. Let's face it, most of us do not know these procedures, no worries were here to help. Removing violations begins with a review of the property records; most violations are outdated and can be removed with some minor documentation. Recently issued violations make take additional steps, obtain a hard copy of violation to identify what the violating condition is and what steps are needed to resolve this condition. If you are interested in areas we can help please refer to our products and services page or click here. (bring to HB report o products & services page)

    To learn more about DOB Violations click here

  • How do I change the certificate of occupancy (CO) for my property?

    The first step is to get in touch with an architect or engineer; an architect will first make a pre determination if your property is zoned for the change of use. Before you can alter a CO, all old violations must be resolved, open applications signed off and disapproved jobs withdrawn. Then a filing can be made to change the CO. If you need help locating an architect, contact us.

  • The Department of Buildings does not have a certificate of occupancy on record for my property, what can I do?

    The Department of Buildings is responsible for a mass amount of property records, unfortunately at times, these records were misplace, misfiled or just lost. Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the road just yet. Through our years of experience of researching these records, we have learned how to locate some these lost or missing files. It is also possible your property never had a certificate of occupancy issued; buildings constructed prior to 1938 did not require a CO.  Click here to find out what we can.

  • What's a letter of no objection and how can I get one?

    A Letter of No Objection (LNO) is issued by the Department of Buildings and is used to establish legal permitted use of a premise that does not have a certificate of occupancy. An LNO is requested when you are trying to obtain financing from a bank, dismiss violations, etc. Obtaining a LNO involves submitting quite a bit of paperwork to the DOB from multiple city agencies. The procedure is different in each borough, our research and vast network of expeditors can help you in obtaining one. Please contact us

  • What's the process to get the proper permits for a renovation?

    The first step is to get in touch with an architect or engineer, if you don’t have an architect in mind, contact us for recommendations of professionals in this industry. From there the applicant will file for a permit from the Department of Buildings, remember to make sure they follow through when work is completed and obtain a Final Sign Off. Please keep in mind whenever consulting a professional for a permit, make sure they are fully licensed and or insured.

  • How do I get permission to work in a landmarked building?

    Before the DOB will give you permission to do certain kinds of work on landmark properties, building owners or tenants need to apply for a permit from the Landmarks Preservation Commission. The LPC may want to see your signed/sealed drawings and the proper forms. There are guidelines which must be followed in order to gain LPC approval. There are several types of permits issued from LPC, to learn more click here. (route to our LPC page-to follow)

  • I received a Sidewalk Violation from the Department of Transportation (DOT), what should I do?

    It is recommended to repair all or any necessary defects as soon as possible, a proper permit is required from DOT. It is possible if repairs are not made in the necessary time period given, the city may make the repairs and bill you for the work. Once all repairs have been completed, you must contact the Department of Transportation to re-inspect your property. A violation can complicate selling or refinancing your property. If you are unaware of any of these conditions, you can order a sidewalk violation search from our products and services page. 

  • How do I get a permit to repair/replace the sidewalk in front of my property?

    You’ll need to hire a contractor who is registered with the Department of Transportation (DOT). The DOT issues all permits related to the sidewalk or roadway.